醉恶邻居房经典影评;笑死我了。DOR剧本的犀利在这部就已经得意体现了。和他后期的成熟的作品相比,也仅仅是服化道以及群戏调度上的差距。文本已经成熟了而且压根没有人性去测试,仅仅和美国社会上层一样……不过算了俊男美女主角,剧本烂点就烂点吧西蒙佩吉和安迪瑟金斯都是我喜欢的演员,有他们两个在的片我的期望也不由会更高一些,这片低于预期。话剧的开幕和结尾、古典乐和荒诞戏的搭配很有趣。他们刚开始杀人时那段很有点港式段子的感觉。最后麦克白和破案现场的蒙太奇组合的很赞。整体用一种搞笑的方式来讲一个暗黑的故事,其实还不错。2022韩国喜剧片《醉恶邻居房》剧情; Chan-woo, who has been studying to become a police officer for 5 years, joins his friends for dinner to ask for the money to apply for his exam and ends up getting drunk. He completely blacks out and wakes up not remembering what happened in his next door neighbor's room. Not only that, he finds a bloody corpse in the middle of the room. He hurries back to his room and tries to report the incident but he had forgotten his phone in the other room. But the door is locked and he has to resort to using a rope to swing to the next door room outside the window. Once the phone is recovered, he cannot go back because of a group of cultists who are evangelizing the neighbors in the hallway. He knows it’s the last day to apply for his exam and gets antsy as time is running out.