你得来看看经典影评;????187电影室Day49《少年H》(2013)妈妈在生死关头还祈祷上帝的时候有点想捶她,快逃啊求上帝有用吗,信基督信得太迂腐了吧,但是把珍贵的米饭分出去给别人的时候又很佩服她,真的是在践行“给予平等的爱”这特么完全是五星的电影好么!!!第一个感觉女的是不是进入了轮回类似于恐怖游轮,那个男的扮演女鬼机械舞不错2022西班牙喜剧片《你得来看看》剧情; Two couples in their thirties, heated discussions on the essentials of life unfolding between Madrid and the neighbouring countryside. Directorial star of Spanish film Jonas Trueba (The August Virgin, KVIFF 2019) is a master of soulful cinematic miniatures which don’t require long hours to convey profound, existential feelings infused with enchanting melancholy and gentle humour