时空大圣经典影评;然后继续在撞鬼打鬼的段落里即兴一般的发挥喜剧的特点,比如前后两个徒弟分别单打两个鬼,迟钝剂,抽僵尸血以毒攻毒等等剪辑快,时效短,动作戏完全处于精彩的对立面 最早盗版dvd,狂野的机车骑士感觉太酷了,还有美国西部公路的风景相当吸引人,荒野 ,草地,树林,水塘都是,墨西哥风情的小镇,作为喜剧片,感觉看的相当开心。bon Jovi的插曲相当应景,acdc的经典摇滚。1994美国喜剧片《时空大圣》剧情; A young boy overcomes his obsessive fears by discovering a love for books in this animated fantasy adventure. In a live action wraparound, Macaulay Culkin stars as Richard Tyler, an easily bullied, nervous wreck of a kid who's an expert on safety statistics. His mother and father (Mel Harris and Ed Begley, Jr.) don't know how to inspire their son to embrace life boldly. Barely able to leave the house, Richard ventures out one day, but he gets lost in a storm and ends up at a mysterious library. Inside, he slips, knocks himself unconscious and finds himself in a cartoon realm where books come to life. Guided by Adventure (Patrick Stewart), Fantasy (Whoopi Goldberg) and Horror (Frank Welker), Tyler experiences the adventures of classic novels such as Moby ~censored~ and Treasure Island, and he even meets some famed fictional characters, such as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Leonard Nimoy). Through his experiences in the pages of the legendary books, Richard confronts his phobias and learns to face life more courageously. The Pagemaster was directed by Joe Johnston, a former special effects supervisor and production designer who later directed Jumanji (1995) and October Sky (1999)
这么多年了我终于看了11陨落的一集。主线搞不清已经不重要了,只是想说,我真的好爱小11啊,虽然是10代入坑,但是真的好爱11。Matt是怎么在这么年轻的时候,演出了胡医生的霸气又无措 成熟又荒唐 丰富又单纯 胡闹又落寞的。Oh my Ragged man, I will always remember when you were the doctor.