混然天成经典影评;不管正义以那种方式出现,个人的力量都是渺小的,在利欲熏心的社会里面,邪恶始终会死灰复燃,于荣光最后打的士佬拿一拳,与网络时代骂滴滴司机一样,有用吗?我觉得只是自我安慰,只是正义的遮羞布最后,音乐作为心灵的支柱,跨越了生死,痛苦,恐惧;微笑着,在黑暗中漫舞“wearefuck-ups,frank.we''regonnabewithpeoplewhoarefuck-ups.”2023意大利喜剧片《混然天成》剧情; It’s the 1980s, we’re in the magical Campanian capital and Maradona is considered a god. Enrico “Erry” Frattasio turns the mixed tapes he makes for his friends into an empire with the help of his brothers Peppe and Angelo. It’s a sensational enterprise which changes all of their lives, reinvents the concept of piracy in Italy and brings music into everyone’s lives.