金发野兽经典影评;我以为我猜中了结尾,但是我猜的并不完美,原来恶魔就在身边……(我实在想写更多,但是我发现写的越多剧透越多,还是留给大家看吧,我觉得是个不浪费时间的片子)本来困得不行,看完给人整精神了刚看完《买凶拍人》,又一部杀手电影,情节还算不错2018法国喜剧片《金发野兽》剧情; The former star of a short-lived television sitcom, Fabien, drinks too much to remember everything he does and not much surprises him anymore. When his path crosses Yoni’s, he is not surprised to discover, in the wake of this young, tearful, military man, the head of yet another young man, beautiful like a dream, a memory, a reproach.