恐怖之家经典影评;打着情色的擦边球,翻拍毁经典系列,一会儿讲外遇、一会儿讲婚姻、一会儿又讲廉价的自我感动,一会又沦为“姐夫小姨子”类的三俗伪情色,要不是宋智孝,估计只能坚持看20分钟,多出的一颗星给内裤绑头发那个镜头。3.再说我不信在加拿大人力这么贵的地方,一个当拖车司机,一个当服务员这样的双职工家庭,还得吃救济粮闲来无事想看重温贞子,记得小时候被那个可以从任何地方爬出来的贞子吓得不敢一个人去厕所了,剧情记得不大清楚了,但不是这样的吧,一点也不恐怖啊,甚至想睡觉,可以和国产恐怖片靠齐了2013美国恐怖片《恐怖之家》剧情; After going broke, Gwen Stevens is forced to return to her abandoned childhood home hoping to pick up the pieces of her life. Among the relics and memories of her past, she discovers someone is living in the house and they don't want to leave. In the New Mexico desert, miles from safety, Gwen must fight to protect the only thing she has left. Her life.@www.molikan.com