杀击经典影评;这片可以作为黑镜的某一集,而且是较差的某一集,所以那个hole真的很随意,说穿就穿,而且老年后的老头是他自己还是另一个人,明明看得是另一个,但这简介让我困惑了演员都好棒!尤其是劳瑟!第一次接触到闭锁综合征,细节的呼应很到位电影整体一般,没有什么亮点,演员的演技也没什么突出的地方,喜欢这部电影的地方就在于故事的剧情部分,抑扬顿挫,制造冲突和悬念,让观众想知道凶手是谁2019马来西亚动作片《杀击》剧情; Zhang a middle aged man struggling with a dead end job as an insurance sales person, on the verge of divorce with his wife, losing custody of her daughter and on top of all this he had to take care of his father who's suffering Alzheimer's. Unknowingly Zhang was invited to join an underground fighting game for financial purposes but eventually Zhang becomes hooked on the fights and turns professional.