心惊肉跳经典影评; 负分滚粗啊童年阴影 昨天被蜘蛛吓到又想起小时候不小心在电视频道上看的电影 百度才知道这名字 当时以为什么蜘蛛侠外传看了一会才发现是怪物片 完全就什么鬼wtf 觉得超级恶心浑身难受 管他什么隐含义还是恶趣味 总之很变态好吗 并且十几年过去了我竟然还记得mmp?重看一遍荷兰弟压压惊卧虎藏龙的演员表....情色擦边球应该更多些的,有勇气拍电影怎么不多点勇气漏胸呢!1959美国科幻片《心惊肉跳》剧情; A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the host unless it is destroyed by screaming.