火星地经典影评;】女主角四月因新冠去世,更添一分魔幻现实感在片中,他再次扮演杀手不喜欢最后一句台词,虽然点名了立场,但没有升华,反而让整个电影展现的拉扯、矛盾、沉重,到最后一刻都弱化了2015美国科幻片《火星地》剧情; In the distant future, a large portion of humanity lives on Mars, in cities that resemble those once found on Earth. The cities are protected from the inhospitable Martian atmosphere by dome-like force-fields. When a massive sandstorm breaks through the dome and destroys Mars New York, those in Mars Los Angeles must figure out how to stop the storm before it wipes them out next.