黑夜时刻经典影评;一对夫妻A搬迁到新住处,夫妻生活一直不完美,一是时常受到孩子干扰二是男主丁丁金针菇。一次公园因孩子偶遇,认识了另一对夫妻B,受邀出席晚上聚餐。两对夫妻聚完餐,在孩子入睡后开始了夜生活。B丈夫是画家、妻子是性工作者,AB同时看了B哺乳吸奶视频,也一起在游泳池裸泳。 其实虽然进程很慢有点无聊 但是真的很写实 减肥时身处地狱看不到未来的感觉 平台期的暴躁 没有成效的虚空 抵制食欲的无奈 非常非常真实 包括那种讨厌自己的感觉 觉得自己做不到的绝望 还有大家虽然都瘦下来了但还是脸胖胖的 真的都很写实啊创意不错,但这剧情已经不能用单薄来形容而是稀薄,比我们食堂的免费汤还稀。大量无意义的空镜头,车轱辘话来回说,而且是前车轱辘连后车轱辘。“你不会死”“我会”“你不会死“我会””,我恨不得你们赶紧都死去。整场配乐《安魂曲》听得脑仁儿疼。PS:导演找来达德利和罗德里格兹客串,人情都用完了吧。2005加拿大科幻片《黑夜时刻》剧情; Dr. Samantha Goodman, an attractive psychiatrist in her thirties, joins her husband and sister for a weekend at a winter cottage when an unexpected guest arrives. Harlan Pyne, a violent sexual offender, is convinced that Samantha conducted unethical experiments on him while she was his doctor. With the assistance of his troubled yet eager protege, Harlan forces Samantha and her family to participate in a series of nightmarish games. On this night of terror, escape is not an option, truth guarantees nothing, and revenge will not necessarily be sweet.