僵尸乌托邦经典影评; 只是科幻 灵异这个走向真是不敢恭维,资金节俭到令人发指的程度,网大的制作都比本片显得阔绰,尤其后期的“猛鬼”形象真是要让人笑到头掉,幼儿园的小朋友都不会觉得害怕,两星都是给小演员的辛苦分总之两部都挺好看的,至少都是我的茶如果我有枪,在未接受那么多的责任绑架教育之前,我真希望我是疯狂猎射,然后被打死的男二,毕竟人们宁愿说你疯了,也不会体味到你所遭受的愤怒和痛苦,他们会想当然地告诉你,你要开心一点,你要努力试一试2020马来西亚恐怖片《僵尸乌托邦》剧情; After Hassan discovers Zidik living alone on the streets, he takes him in and cares for him like a son. Zidik now works together with Hassan in the junkyard but both men are stuck in the past. 15 years ago, they lost their loved ones to a virus that turned people violent. Hassan often "forgets" that the virus killed his wife, while Zidik still remembers his sister attacking his mother and his father sacrificing himself to save Zidik. He also often thinks of Zooey, the girl he met at the orphanage he briefly stayed at before being kicked out by the evil Kak Lily. Meanwhile, Dr. Rahman, a disgraced scientist who previously managed to contain the virus, manufactures a new strain of zombie virus to create chaos. Amid this new zombie outbreak, Zidik encounters a zombified Zooey who tries to attack him but she slowly begins to remember who he is. Zidik then gets taken prisoner by Dr. Rahman when the doctor discovers that he is immune to the virus