典型的表达观点性纪录片最后一组镜头噗嗤笑出声来仿佛听到导演说:你们自己看看吧 到底哪个才是真正有才华的艺术家同职业伴侣间的较量 各行有各行的不同 艺术家尤为tricky,因为几乎不存在任何标准故事线很标准 因为拍摄对象很express ive所以visual很有优势但中规中矩地,亮点说不上 也没什么打动我的地方 typical Oscar type
“One thing that I’ve learned about love, is that it is a lot like moving to a new country, trying to build something where nothing existed before. It’s hanging on and letting go. It’s messy, it’s beautiful, like any giant leap of faith.”