来临1991经典影评;剧情简直莫名其妙,最后高潮都不给留时间草草收尾 扫描杂志图页制作Lisa段非常好看,御女和正太间的化学反应,有营造青春期的骚动萌动,Geek感和外界关系疏离都设计的蛮好的,Lisa影响到现实中的wyatt和Gray事件虽创意到位可剧作太水,派对部分无序,侵入者无前兆,男女生莫名相爱…… 头戴白bar穿漏脐装女子内内好萌!Hughes片中的男主一张张好看脸啊 @2014-02-04 00:23:39"This flower will wither and die. Mine will resist."就是梵高的美式口音太违和了1991美国科幻片《来临1991》剧情; When an old man witnesses a strange meteor land, he finds himself growing younger, but his renewed youth has a price; he must kill or die. H e is a vampire, but it is not blood he needs to satisfy his cravings. A series of murders in which several women are brutally slain leads the police on a confusing chase across several states