英宫恨2013经典影评;什么鬼电影,看得我头都疼,乱七八糟的实在懒得看下去这个电影的法庭戏难道不是重中之重吗?要不就是编剧脑袋不够用,要不就是没有做足功课,写出那么弱智的法庭戏在不断反转的观影感受下,最引发我思考的却是美国政治意识体系下,媒体舆论如何能和官方司法机构对真相的解释权进行角力与博弈,以及电影语言与真相到底是什么关系?开篇15分钟的视听表达套路的色彩是“受害者及相关家庭的可怕悲剧,证人们的强有力证词,检方出示的惨不忍睹的现场证据”,而这种强烈的极易信以为真的印象就是视听技巧带来的逻辑感与情绪力,让我们建立起快捷的因果关联,而忽略掉中间的推演细节2013其它爱情片《英宫恨2013》剧情; A queen who lost three kingdoms. A wife who lost three husbands. A woman who lost her head Mary Queen of Scots spends her childhood in France and is meant to become also Queen of France. However, her ailing husband dies and the young widow returns alone to Scotland, a country devastated by war. Elizabeth has just become Queen of England, for Mary she is like a twin sister to whom she can open her heart. Mary weds again and gives birth to an heir to the thrown. Her second husband, Lord Darnley, proves to be a weakling. When Mary finds the love of her life, the Earl of Bothwell, she has Darnley murdered and marries Bothwell. Horrified by this deed and the blind passion that motivated it, both the nobles and the people of Scotland spurn her. To avert a bloody battle, Mary is compelled to give up her beloved Bothwell. In desperate straits, she turns to Elizabeth for help. In response, the Queen of England imprisons her. After 19 years spent in a golden cage, Mary finds release at last: Elizabeth sends her to the block.