呐喊吧!自由!经典影评;这里有北欧导演常见的清冷和慢节奏,画面干净低饱和,环境开阔,人物不多,几次出现同一旋律的bgm,曲子也很有特点 附体奔跑吊车尾,怪力肢解拆警局,意外怀孕怎么办?电丁丁,Vag Cannon!墨西哥打鬼棒X百万伏特宅女大战horny外星大虫,kick ass佳节必备口香糖固定空镜头的反复叠加与人物之间平淡的交流让整部电影散发着一股冷意,但主人公作为难民身份的背景时时刻刻点醒着观众疲弱的神经,其抑或是与父母间的通话又或是与兄弟的“交流”让这种冰凉的氛围增添了浓厚的情感2015印度纪录片《呐喊吧!自由!》剧情; Filmmaker and gay activist Sridhar Rangayan embarks on a personal journey to expose the human rights violations faced by the LGBTQ community in India due to a draconian law Section 377 and homophobic social mores of a patriarchal society. The gritty documentary BREAKING FREE features searing testimonies of gay and transgender persons who have been victimized or exploited, as well as wide-ranging interviews with advocates and activists. See-sawing between despair and joy, anguish and hope, the film offers an insider view of the Indian LGBTQ community and is a documentation of its movement from invisibility to empowerment
李骁军(风险投资人,IDG资本合伙人)推荐 在错综复杂的关系中学会一些事。看完了呜呜呜呜!我心目中的top1!!!我真的爱男主太帅 而且和我一样总是迷失在intimacy 所以我真的好理解他只是缺了很多他的勇敢无畏与优秀 我也和女主很像 想到就去做从不会留下遗憾 电影里总是说“show me the money” not only money 我看到了love 也就是这部电影 show me the love and something else and everything! 还有这个小baby 我竟