非天非地经典影评;月亮笑着,月亮哭着,月亮怜着,月亮恨着,月亮冷眼看着一切,撒着冻结世界的光和《与安德烈的晚餐》异曲同工,有意无意的在肤色,信仰,语义中强烈的展现二元对立,看起来高大上的哲学争辩巧妙的接了底气唯一值得思考的,则是一心要挖出真相的记者最后给全世界带来灾难的设定颇为「克苏鲁观」2015法国剧情片《非天非地》剧情; Afghanistan 2014. While troops are on the verge of withdrawal, Captain Antarès Bonassieu and his section are assigned a control and surveillance mission in a remote valley of the Wakhan, on the Pakistan border. Despite their determination, Antarès and his men gradually lose control of what is supposedly a calm sector. Then one September night, soldiers in the valley mysteriously disappear.