灵媒缉凶第七季经典影评;幸亏还有薛景求神演技支撑,尤其是首脑会谈那场戏,老薛简直金日成附体,成为全片最大亮点一开始吃蘑菇晃的几个镜头我还乐观地以为会渐入佳境结果就戛然而止了太......他妈...........好看了!!!2010美国美剧《灵媒缉凶第七季》剧情; Allison is approached by Gary Durant who wants something done about the harassment directed at his elderly father. Someone has been posting videotapes of the old man, now a street person, performing humiliating acts for a few dollars. Both Allison and Bridgette dream about him but are soon having their own 'Freaky Friday' of sorts when they wake up to find that they are inhabiting the other's body. As a result they have an interesting few days where Allison goes to school and Bridgette goes to the office. Their dreams reveal more of the mystery about Durant's father but when the old man is killed, Allison believes there is another solution to the murder. Written by 2kyb.co