埃塔的终结经典影评;从医院出来那段开始我终于有了看下去的理由,开始还挺生气的,刚看完合家万事惊不久就看到这部片子,感觉糟蹋演员一样。当然啦,尬归尬,能看出来前面是讽刺演戏的现状,嗯,三星吧男主三人不甘心受恶人欺压,萌生了动黑社会老大的主意,一路寻找着他的消息,在搜集一番资料后,展开了新一轮的盗窃行为结局编得特顺特圆满,在这个现实夹杂一点点超现实的电影里,似乎这种圆满也无可厚非2017西班牙纪录片《埃塔的终结》剧情; From the "socialization of suffering" to peace in the Basque Country: with extraordinary access to the principal players, this is the story of a 10 year process, which began with secret talks in a Gipuzkoan farmhouse and ended - after moments of hope and painful disappointments - with the broad anti-terrorist strategy that brought an end to the violence of ETA, increasingly rejected en masse by Spanish and Basque society, and isolated after their radical nationalist supporters opted for peace. -IMD