楼上,楼下 第二季经典影评;“萨鲁曼认为只有强大的力量才能战胜邪恶,但我并不赞同,我发现真正能够战胜邪恶的反而是那些普通人的寻常举动,那些充满善意和爱心的行为”,从《霍比特人》到《魔戒》,这些浪漫而宏大的传奇仿佛都在印证甘道夫的这句话 电影剧情倒是挺一般的 男女主演都很养眼 李清娥好A 很适合轻熟女这种类型的角色 洪宗玄看起来更帅了 ps:这类剧情放电影太弱 改编成电视剧更合适一点这部剧让我很无语!比第一部差了不止一个档次!话说,续集之间差距那么大我还是头回见到!草,这里面的人全是智障吧!在停尸间亲尸体,男女发生性关系也就算了!有手机,能用,有信号,就是不想办法弄开防盗门报警!关键是男主活蹦乱跳,女主竞然说他有生命危险,硬是要帮他处理伤口,浪费时间!明明杀人狂已经倒下了,男主就是要回去看!明明看到车门打开,就是不开车,就是要往后退……总之,大家千万别看这部电影,侮辱大家的智商,浪费大家的时间! 1972英国美剧《楼上,楼下 第二季》剧情; Home from their honeymoon, the Kirbridges settle into their home in Greenwich. Their staff will consist of Rose as maid, on loan from Eaton Place, a crabby Mrs. Fellows as cook, and a Welshman named Thomas Watkins as manservant/everything else. Thomas has an unsettling gaze and seems a bit suspicious, but Rose fancies him anyway The newlyweds don't seem very happy and their personalities are changing, getting their marriage off to a rocky start. Lawrence displays bouts of immaturity with a nasty, even cruel, demeanor. He prefers to socialize without Elizabeth, sometimes sneaking out after she's in bed, and comes home very late. His behavior is upsetting, giving Lizzie second thoughts about their marriage.