駭垮全美电力经典影评;他的脚步声很轻,他的记者女友甚至在死前才知道他的真名导演明显有效仿斯派克·李的企图,本片是他的第二部作品,也是将他带入名导行列的成名作,在戛纳影展夺得最佳导演奖并赢得凯撒奖最佳电影的桂冠选的角度非常好,可惜写报告文学出身的导演对故事的安排真的太差劲——或许短短4天里发生的事情也不够他来组织出更好的剧本2013美国综艺《駭垮全美电力》剧情; American Blackout imagines the story of a national power failure in the United States caused by a cyberattack — told in real time, over 10 days, by those who kept filming on cameras and phones. You’ll learn what it means to be absolutely powerless. Gritty, visceral and totally immersive, see what it might take to survive from day one, and who would be left standing when the lights come back on