肮脏的财富经典影评;只是那些故事一眼就看出不对劲了在韩国的刑法体系下,杀人犯杀的再多也没有多少可能判死刑,被杀是最大快人心的交代但这是一部无以复制的影片值得我们观赏2014美国综艺《肮脏的财富》剧情; National Geographic Channel tromps into the wild with blue-collar pioneers who shirked conventional 9-to-5 careers to make their living in the deep rivers, soggy mudflats and wild backwoods of America. Filthy Riches, a new series premiering Sunday, April 20, at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT, travels the country with industrious Americans who prove they're not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty in order to make a living. (Source: National Geographic Channel