戈登·拉姆齐:美食秘境 第二季经典影评;我觉得这部片子最适合在上厕所的时候看,这样的话我就不会磨叽,会想快速逃离厕所里的折磨感觉跟看聊斋似的,晚上还不敢看,古装书生扮相好像白壁壁,后来知道是人扮的狐仙,为了查案不去考试,还去掘坟,胆子真大,可以去拍个破案的片子了我想女主不戴头盔不是因为会干扰超能力,而是因为头盔实在是太丑了吧哈哈哈 2020美国综艺《戈登·拉姆齐:美食秘境 第二季》剧情; Globetrotting celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay serves up an epic adventure in "Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted." He travels around the world meeting with indigenous people to learn about their foods and cultures. In each location, he harvests new ingredients and samples new dishes. He also teams up with local legends to cook feasts to present to the native peoples