女巫1966经典影评;整个故事让人想起疯狂愚蠢爱,李圣经有几场戏那种反差萌是挺搞笑的不免思考,人存在的意义在哪儿?侄女点餐时说的那句“还是看着吧,这是一个人与人互不信任的年代”更是对莫东的死和曾经的活着极大的讽刺基本碰到个网大就划走了,但今天偶尔在腾讯划到了就点了进来看了一小段,意外发现少了很多廉价感,然后就跳着看完了,抛开剧情不说,在视听上跟三四年前的网大有很大的进步,后期音也没那么假了,另外因为不在院线上映的原因,在尺度上也比院线电影来的开,这些都是不错的点,但毕竟还是网大,投资没那么高,特效还是有待提高,剧情也是,基本就是缝合怪,就是冲着吸引普通用户的爽点来的,这个没办法,目前国内的网大还停留在快餐模式,不过我也只看了这么一部,如果其他网大也有这个水平的话,那么我还是挺期待未来国产网大的发展的,如果能像网飞一样偶尔能1966英国恐怖片《女巫1966》剧情; An English school teacher outposted in Africa has a run in with the local witch doctor and suffers a nervous breakdown. After recovering back in England she takes a job teaching in a small country town hoping to make a new start for herself. All goes well at first, until she starts to hear some disturbing stories about the town. She soon discovers the town is home to a coven of witches and they plan to sacrifice a local girl in one of their rituals.